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Breast Implants

We use the best and latest Breast Implant techniques to guarantee you get the best results.

What are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are artificial devices (prosthesis) surgically inserted into your breasts. Breast implants are silicone shells filled with either silicone gel or saline (sterile salt water).

Doctors called plastic surgeons insert breast implants. You may choose to receive breast implants following the loss of a breast to cancer. You may be a healthy person who wishes to change the shape or size of your breasts. Breast reconstruction is when a breast cancer patient receives breast implants. Breast augmentation is when a healthy person receives breast implants to change the shape or size of their breasts. Breast augmentation is also known as a boob job.

What to expect after Breast Implant

After the surgery you will probably feel weak. You may feel sore for 2 to 3 weeks, and you’ll likely have a lot of swelling. You may have a pulling or stretching feeling in your breast area. You can expect to feel better and stronger each day, although you may need pain medicine for a week or two.

What is the difference between breast augmentation and breast implants?

The terms “breast augmentation” and “breast implants” are often substituted for one another. Breast augmentation is any cosmetic surgical procedure that makes the size of your breasts larger. Breast implants are artificial devices (prostheses) surgically inserted into your breasts. So, breast augmentation refers to a series of procedures that make your breasts larger. Breast implants are silicone shells filled with saline solution or silicone gel that support breast augmentation procedures.

Do implants hurt breast? Breast pain, breast discomfort, nipple sensitivity and soreness are not uncommon presenting complaints from patients with breast implants.
How do breast implants stay in place? Placing the implant under the muscle has several advantages: It can often give the implant a more natural appearance. The muscles and ligaments will help hold the implant in place.

How long do new breast implants last?

New breast implants typically last about 10 years, but your experience may be different. The older that breast implants get, the more likely they are to rupture (break apart).

Signs of breast implant rupture may include changes in your breast size or shape, firmness or swelling. However, sometimes there is no sign that rupture has occurred.

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